How to Eat Beets

Beets make for a delicious addition to any diet, whether eaten raw or cooked. Not only are they full of nutrients like fiber and nitrates (the beneficial kind), but they’re also high in folate, potassium and magnesium for added nutritional benefit.

Citrus fruits are high in antioxidants and reduce inflammation, offering benefits that can support your brain, heart and digestive system as well as enhance athletic performance and even lower the risk of cancer.


Beets are an incredibly nutritious vegetable that can be enjoyed either cooked or raw. Packed full of vitamin C, folate and fiber, beets also supply minerals like potassium and magnesium in abundance. Not only that but they’ve been known for their medicinal benefits as well.

Cooking beets can be done several ways: boiling, steaming, roasting and baking. Each method has its advantages and drawbacks so it’s essential to choose the one that works best for you.

Boiling is a commonly used cooking technique for beets, and it’s simple: place the beets in a large pot with enough water to cover them by about an inch. Bring this mixture to a boil over high heat before simmering until fork tender (approximately 30-60 minutes).

If you want your beets’ vibrant red or orange color, try adding a drop of vinegar or lemon juice to the water. This will help maintain their vibrant hue without overwhelming your taste buds.

Steaming is another method for cooking beets, but you need a steamer basket in order for the steam to circulate around and under them. If you don’t have access to one, wrap the beets in paper towel before placing in a covered pot with water – this will guarantee even steam distribution.

Preparing raw

Beets are an incredible superfood with numerous health benefits, such as supporting brain and heart health, decreasing blood pressure, and decreasing the risk of certain cancers. Packed full of essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber, beets can be used in many dishes for maximum nutrition benefits.

Cooking beets is usually done either by roasting or boiling, but they can also be steamed and juiced. Steaming is ideal because it preserves all of their essential nutrients unlike boiling which may remove some.

To prepare raw beets, wash them carefully and peel away their outer skin with a vegetable peeler. Slice or grate the beets thinly for use in salads, side dishes and desserts.

When handling beets, cover your work surface with plastic wrap to prevent stains. Additionally, wearing gloves can help you prevent staining on fingers.

Once the beets are cooked, serve them sliced or grated with a squeeze of lemon for an irresistibly refreshing side dish. Or add them to grain bowls like this one or salads like Winter Beet Salad for an irresistibly colorful meal.

Cooked beets can be used in a variety of ways, such as being mashed into a hummus or blended into smoothies. The flavor of raw beets is more earthy and refreshing with just a hint of sweetness; they may have either chewy texture or soft.

Salad greens make an excellent base for any dish and can be layered with other ingredients to give it extra depth and flavor. Experiment by adding herbs like thyme or basil as well as seeds like sunflower, pumpkin or sesame for extra flair in flavor!

Preparing cooked

When cooking beets, there are several methods you can choose from. Some of them include boiling, steaming and baking.

Boiling is a popular way to cook beets, as it retains all their essential nutrients. Unfortunately, this method can take some time and your beets may not be cooked evenly as if you boiled them in a pan or over the stovetop.

Another easy way to cook beets is by roasting. This method produces crispy and slightly browned beets on the outside. To guarantee an even cooking result, cut your vegetables into wedges of equal thickness (about 1/16″ on the widest edge), then toss them with olive oil and seasonings before roasting.

Once roasted, these potatoes will have a pleasant crunch and mild, sweet flavor that goes great with any meal. Serve them on their own, as a side dish or in a salad – the possibilities are endless!

Beets can also be microwaved for a quick and effortless preparation. However, depending on how large the beets are and how long they were in the oven, the texture may not be consistent depending on size and duration.


Beets are an earthy root vegetable with a sweet taste and vibrant color that can add flair to many dishes. Unfortunately, if not stored correctly they will spoil quickly – either in the fridge, frozen or canned.

Storing beets is a relatively straightforward process, but it’s essential to follow certain steps for maximum longevity. When storing raw beets, try to keep them dry as moisture can lead to rotting. Conversely, cooked beets can be stored in either a plastic bag or the crisper drawer of your refrigerator for added freshness.

Beets can be stored in a cool, dark place like a basement or garage. Ideally, the temperature should remain around 38 degrees Fahrenheit; however, this may change depending on when it rains and what time of year it is.

One of the best ways to store beets is in a container filled with sand, sawdust or peat moss. This will help keep moisture out and your beets will stay fresh for up to five months.

It’s wise to regularly inspect the sand during storage. If you notice beets beginning to rot, simply dump out the old layer and start over with fresh sand.

Once cooked, it is essential to store them in a dry environment. A paper towel works great here; alternatively, plastic bags or airtight containers work too.

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